Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Here we go!

Where to begin.

Well, I am currently a student at Wheaton College, and this year I posted an article on our school's forum wall talking about my experiences at Wheaton as well as some of my own story (you can read it over there -->). I guess this post is kind of a tl;dr for that essay. Basically, I grew up in a very conservative Christian family, I realized I am gay at a young age, my parents found out when I was about 12, and I spent the next 6 years of my life with a counselor from Exodus, an ex-gay program.

These years of counseling were very difficult for me, and left me hopeless as I wasn't changing (apparently I'm just too gay). I had accepted my parent's view that I had to change, and now I found out that change just was not going to happen. My already delicate faith began to crack. I went into my freshman year of college hoping that being at a Christian college would fix my faith. It didn't. Christmas break of my sophomore year I found myself depressed, without faith and desperate. Seeing no answer, I decided that it would be better if I was no longer around. Needless to say, I did not kill myself, but how close I came still haunts me today.

Since then, with the help of my friends and organizations like onewheaton.com, I have reconciled my faith with my sexuality. I believe that a monogamous homosexual relationship is within the limits of Christianity.

So that's basically me in a nutshell. I'm going to try and post regularly, lets see how this goes!